Shinkawa Dental Blog

Looking for an Invisalign Provider? Here Are 5 Tips to Help!

August 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 2:53 pm
Patient holding up Invisalign aligner

Do you struggle to smile confidently due to crooked, spaced-out, or otherwise misaligned teeth? Fortunately, you don’t have to endure months or years of metal brackets and wires to straighten your teeth! Invisalign’s clear aligners are not only incredibly discreet, but they are comfortable, safe, and often deliver results in a fraction of the time. So, the only decision you have to make is which dental professional to choose! Keep reading to learn how to find an Invisalign provider that’s right for you.


What Makes Dental Implants a Successful Tooth Replacement Option?

July 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 1:10 am
Woman smiling with dental implant

Tooth loss is an issue that affects many people across the country. Approximately 178 million Americans have lost at least one tooth while 40 million have lost all of their teeth. Fortunately, losing a tooth no longer means that you need to go the rest of your life without it. There are several tooth replacement options out there to help. Dental implants have become a preferred option because of their numerous benefits, including their high success rate. Read on to learn some reasons why they have become so successful.


Think You Have to Be in Pain to Need a Root Canal? Think Again.

May 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 3:00 pm
Closeup of man looking at tooth in mirror

If your jaw wasn’t already open, it would’ve dropped to the floor as your dentist shared that you need a root canal. After all, don’t you have to have a moderate to severe toothache for that treatment to be necessary? Not quite. In fact, pain is just one of the many signs that signal to your dental team that something is wrong underneath the gumline. Keep reading to learn what they are and why this tooth-saving treatment isn’t as bad as you may think!


When a Toothache Goes Away, Don’t Let Your Guard Down

April 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 9:21 pm

Woman with a toothache touching her tooth with her fingerWhen you’re experiencing a toothache, it’s a sign that your body is trying to tell you something. In this case, it means that there’s likely an underlying problem inside your tooth that needs attention. With that said, you may notice the discomfort associated with your toothache is beginning to diminish. While it’s rare, it may even go away entirely on its own! According to a dentist, this may not actually be a good thing. Learn why and what you should do instead of going about your day.


Sensitive Teeth: Mere Nuisance or Dental Emergency?

March 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 1:16 pm

Woman with sensitive teeth in pain after drinking cold waterHave you stopped enjoying your favorite hot meals and cold treats because they hurt your teeth? You could be dealing with tooth sensitivity – and if you are, that might mean that you have a dental problem that requires immediate care. While sensitivity isn’t always indicative of an emergency, it also isn’t something you can afford to ignore. Read on to learn why your teeth have become so sensitive and why having them checked out as soon as possible is so important.

Bizarre Dental Emergencies that Make a Broken Tooth Seem Normal

February 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 5:36 pm

Woman shocked when hearing about strange dental emergencyDentists are always prepared to help their patients deal with a painful dental emergency. Whether you suffer from a broken tooth, a throbbing toothache, or even if a tooth gets knocked out altogether, your local dental team is ready to run to your aid. But sometimes, dentists encounter the unexpected when they begin providing treatment. Let’s talk about some of the strangest situations that dentists have dealt with.


How Exercise Can Harm Your Oral Health

January 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 9:19 pm

Women exercisingIt is necessary for everyone to stay active regularly in order to keep your body and mind in good shape. Whether you like to go hiking on the weekends or you prefer to head to the gym before going to the office, your health is benefiting. However, one part of your body that may be being poorly affected is your mouth. In addition to all the wonderful things that exercise can do for you, your oral health could also be declining. Continue reading to learn how and find out what you can do to prevent this.


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