Shinkawa Dental Blog

Can You Get Dental Implants if You Have Bruxism?

September 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 12:55 pm
Woman with bruxism and dental implants lying in bed

For many people, dental implants are the ideal solution for replacing any number of teeth. But while implant surgery does have an extremely high rate of success, you do need to be aware of risk factors that could lead to failure. One of the biggest threats to your new teeth is bruxism, which is when you involuntarily grind and clench your teeth at night. But does that mean you can’t get implants at all if you already have bruxism? Here’s what you need to know to keep your restored smile safe.


Could Rheumatoid Arthritis Stop You from Getting Dental Implants?

September 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 1:55 pm

Before you can get dental implants, you need to be aware of any health issues that could put your new teeth at risk. While this obviously includes gum disease and other problems in your mouth, you may be surprised to learn that conditions in other parts of your body could interfere with the implant process. In particular, rheumatoid arthritis may threaten your smile in a couple of different ways. Read on to learn more about how it can affect your mouth – and whether it will stop you from getting implant surgery.


How Long Will My Dental Bridge Last?

July 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 3:05 pm
Illustration of a dental bridge for the lower arch

When it comes to replacing teeth, dental bridges remain a reliable option. They are made to be highly durable so that they can handle all the biting and chewing that the teeth are subjected to daily. However, just like other dental restorations, dental bridges can become worn down over time, and eventually, they will need to be replaced. How long can you expect a dental bridge to last before you’ll need to get a new one? Here’s what you can expect.


Veneers and Teeth Sensitivity: What You Really Need to Know

April 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 4:27 pm
Man looking at his teeth in a mirror

If you’ve wondered about how veneers could affect your tooth sensitivity, you’re not alone. One of the most common questions from those considering the procedure is whether they will experience discomfort afterwards. Here’s what you can expect in the days and weeks to follow and why you shouldn’t be worried about having sensitive teeth.


5 Reasons Invisalign is Better Than Mail-Order Aligners

March 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — shinkawadental @ 5:12 pm

Bottom Invisalign aligner on dental moldAchieving a straight smile is more accessible than ever because of countless treatment options. Metal braces aren’t the only method of correcting bite and alignment problems. Clear aligners are a preferred choice because you can achieve the results you want using a solution that’s virtually invisible. While clear aligners used to only be available through a dental office, the popularity of mail-order braces is on the rise. Although they may seem like the affordable, convenient option; however, there are risks of cutting out the middleman. Here are 5 reasons you should visit a professional for Invisalign.


4 Tips to Prepare for Invisalign Treatment

February 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 6:18 pm
Invisalign in blue case

Your Invisalign appointment is rapidly approaching, and that means that you are probably eager to see exactly how much it can transform your smile. By following your dentist’s instructions as directed, you will have perfectly aligned pearly whites in just a matter of time. Until you get your first set of aligners, there are some steps that you can take to prepare for your treatment. Continue reading for some helpful tips.


Can You Get Invisalign If You’ve Already Had Braces?

January 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 8:57 pm
person holding Invisalign, giving thumbs-up, and smiling

Many people wore traditional braces when they were younger to correct issues with their smiles. Though your orthodontist at the time likely stressed the importance of wearing your retainer to keep your teeth from moving back into their previous positions, the results of one study showed that 25% of patients stopped wearing their retainers within 24 months of finishing orthodontic treatment. If you’re a part of that group, your teeth may have shifted back to their previous position. Now that you’re older, you may be considering getting Invisalign to correct this issue, but is that even possible? Read on to learn about getting Invisalign after braces.


What Do I Need to Know Before Getting Invisalign?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 7:28 pm
smiling man outside

When you make a significant purchase, such as a car, for example, it sure is great when you can try before you buy. When that’s not an option, you want to at least learn as much about the product as possible.

While you can’t exactly test drive Invisalign aligners to straighten your teeth since they are custom-made for your mouth, you can hear points brought up by people who have gone through treatment.

Keep reading to find out what to know before getting Invisalign in Fresno.


5 Reasons Why Invisalign Is Better Than DIY Clear Aligners

November 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 2:47 pm
woman with Invisalign in Fresno

Founded in 2014, SmileDirectClub is a teledentistry company that offers “do-it-yourself” clear aligners so you can straighten your teeth at home. Though this may seem like the best option for correcting crooked and misaligned teeth on a budget, Invisalign is well worth the investment. To explain why that is, here are five reasons why Invisalign in Fresno is better for your smile. 


Can I Get Invisalign If I Have Dental Restorations?

September 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinkawadental @ 12:08 am
Woman with Invisalign in Fresno

As you get older, you may find that you have more restorations in your mouth to maintain excellent oral health. Some common ones include dental crowns, veneers, and bridges. These all serve a purpose when it comes to maintaining the wellbeing of your smile, but do they prevent your ability to get Invisalign in Fresno to straighten your smile? Continue reading to learn how each restoration will play a role.

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