Before you can get dental implants, you need to be aware of any health issues that could put your new teeth at risk. While this obviously includes gum disease and other problems in your mouth, you may be surprised to learn that conditions in other parts of your body could interfere with the implant process. In particular, rheumatoid arthritis may threaten your smile in a couple of different ways. Read on to learn more about how it can affect your mouth – and whether it will stop you from getting implant surgery.
What Exactly is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks your body’s tissues by mistake. This can lead to painful swelling in your joints, making them stiff and harder to move properly. The disorder usually affects the smaller joints in your fingers and toes first. As time goes on, it eventually spreads to other parts of your body. In addition to being painful, it can also put you at risk of developing osteoporosis, dry mouth, infections, and other conditions.
How Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Affect Dental Implants?
So what is the link between dental implants and rheumatoid arthritis? For one thing, if your arthritis is making it more difficult for you to move your fingers, it may interfere with your ability to brush your teeth as thoroughly as possible. As a result, you will be more likely to develop an infection around your dental implants, which could easily lead to failure.
Furthermore, the medications you take to control rheumatoid arthritis could have unintended consequences for your dental implants. Since rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, the medications that treat it are meant to suppress the immune system. Consequently, your body will be less capable of fighting off infections. Combine this fact with any problems you might have with brushing, and the risk of an infection forming around your implant posts will be much higher.
Will Rheumatoid Arthritis Stop You from Getting Dental Implants?
The good news is that rheumatoid arthritis does not have to stop you from getting dental implants. However, your dentist needs to be aware of the condition as well as any medications you’re taking to treat it. They’ll spend your first consultation reviewing your medical history with you and explaining what steps you’ll need to take to make sure that your dental implants stay safe.
Even if you do have rheumatoid arthritis, dental implants can still change your life for the better thanks to the many benefits they offer. If you’re ready to take the first steps in rebuilding your smile, reach out to your dental practice today.
About Shinkawa Dental
At Shinkawa Dental, you can have your smile taken care of by an entire family of dentists with a combined 40 years of experience. Our office can place dental implants in-house, allowing us to replace any number of teeth with custom restorations and sturdy, long-lasting dental implant posts. To schedule an implant consultation at our Fresno practice, visit our website or call (559) 226-5656.