If you’re between the ages of 17 and 24, you may be expecting to get your wisdom teeth soon. Indeed, it’s so common for people in this age range to have their wisdom teeth removed that it’s often considered part of becoming an adult. But is it really true that everyone will have wisdom teeth or that they always have to be extracted? Here are the facts that you should know.
What are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars. They are the last permanent teeth to erupt in the mouth, which means there often isn’t enough room for them. If the wisdom teeth aren’t able to erupt normally, they can become impacted, which is often very painful. In many cases, impacted wisdom teeth can damage your other teeth and increase your risk of cavities.
Does Everyone Get Wisdom Teeth?
The short answer is no, not everyone gets wisdom teeth. In fact, it’s estimated that about 35% of people around the world never develop third molars at all. Furthermore, while many people have a full set of four wisdom teeth, others might have three or fewer.
Why doesn’t everyone have the same number of wisdom teeth? The exact reasons aren’t entirely clear, but genetics likely play a significant role. If one or both of your parents never had wisdom teeth, there’s a good chance that you might not develop them either.
How Will You Know If You Have Wisdom Teeth?
The best way to know for sure if you have wisdom teeth is to visit your dentist every six months. They can take an X-ray of your mouth to see if wisdom teeth are present, as well as whether they’ll be able to erupt normally.
Additionally, there are a few signs that can let you know that your wisdom teeth are about to erupt, such as:
- Irritation and swelling in the gums behind your second molars.
- Aches and pains near the back of your mouth.
- Pain in your jaw, eyes, or ears (as a result of your wisdom teeth pressing on nerves).
- Small white specks (which are actually the top of your wisdom teeth trying to break through the gums).
Will You Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
You might be able to keep your wisdom teeth as long as they are able to erupt without causing problems for the rest of your mouth. But if your wisdom teeth become impacted, it’s best to have them removed as soon as possible. Your dentist can help you determine whether or not a wisdom tooth extraction is truly necessary.
About the Author
Dr. Gerald T. Shinkawa – or Dr. Gerry as he’s known to his patients – has been practicing dentistry for well over 45 years. He has advanced training in a variety of dental subjects so that he can help Fresno patients with all of their oral health needs. If you think you might need to have your wisdom teeth removed soon, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Gerry at Shinkawa Dental by visiting his website or calling (559) 226-5656.